Invest in Lincoln Arts with a Year-End Gift Today!

Make a Gift to Lincoln Arts Today

Invest in Lincoln Arts with a Year-End Gift Today! image


raised towards $10,000 goal


Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Make a Gift to Lincoln Arts Today

Apart, but together through art.

As a valued supporter of the arts, we know you understand the tremendous educational, cultural and economic value the arts and cultural institutions provide our community. It has been a challenging year, and we could not have pivoted our programming without your dedicated and loyal support. Individuals, like you, make our programming a reality and provide sustainable funding for the arts in Lincoln.

One of our ongoing partnerships is with the South of Downtown Community Development Organization. LAC sponsored virtual art courses over the summer and this fall helped fund “The Grandmothers Mural” at 11th & G Streets. Lincoln Artist David Manzanares painted the mural at Esquina de Los Hispanos, a series of businesses owned by Hispanic and Mexican Americans in the near south neighborhood. The mural depicts grandparents of community members who have died and makes a statement about the coronavirus’ disproportionate effect on the Hispanic community. The grandparents are placed in front of an eternal sun composed of monarch butterflies. This mural creates a public space for mourning, healing and the celebration of culture.

Your gift today will help fund projects like this one, providing ways for community members to express artistically and have important and meaningful conversations. You will enable art to be a powerful platform in under-resourced communities, helping people to connect and express their individual identity.

As a special incentive, philanthropist Susan Sehnert Stuart is challenging YOU. Susan will match all donations up to $5,000 made by December 31st. You will double your gift to sustain the arts in Lincoln!

Thank you for your investment at this crucial time for the arts. As you know, when artists and arts organizations work in partnership with community, people are more creatively empowered, and Lincoln is more vibrant, resourceful and resilient.

Together, we do change lives!